Empower and preserve community by amplifying our economy and creating a sense of place for all

Formed in 2004, The Ellensburg Downtown Association (EDA) is an award winning Washington State designated and nationally accredited Main Street program. The Ellensburg Downtown Association is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that believes implicitly in the value of each individual’s contribution, whether it be financial contributions, great ideas or hours spent volunteering.
We advocate by working to fill our empty storefronts, provide support to our new & established businesses, collect data, and work with the Washington Main Street Program to enhance and strengthen Ellensburg. We are passionate about doing beautification projects, improving the aesthetic of Ellensburg's Main St, historical preservation efforts, and drawing in more foot traffic to sustain Ellensburg and all of our local businesses within Downtown.
The EDA has been a key partner in the revitalization of historic Downtown Ellensburg by following the National Main Street Center’s 4-Point Approach. The 4-Point Approach is a comprehensive community based approach to community revitalization that emphasizes efforts in each of the four points – design, promotion, economic vitality and outreach. There points are reflected in our yearly work plans.
Four-Point Main Street Approach